The CostLow Deal Database lists deals shown on and submitted from the CostLow app. Get the app and see realtime deals at a Costco warehouse near you. See what else the app can do.
Get notified when this item goes on clearance. Only in the CostLow app.
To set an alert for this item, get the free CostLow app.
Tap the red button "Add to Watchlist".
Place the price tag in the box and wait until the box turns green.
Tap "Capture". You've set an alert for this item. When it's on clearance near you, you'll be alerted.
Add an unlimited number of items to your watchlist. See a current list in the app on the Watchlist tab.
Find price tags with a * in the corner are the next ones to go on clearance. Watch these, wait, and save!
Watchlist alerts are only activated if a 97 or 00 deal is submitted near you. Help yourself and other by submitting deals.